Captivating scene titled "Came to This" featuring a colored-haired woman wearing a blue jean vest and high boots, playing the guitar in CGI. The scene is realistic with neon lighting as she sits in a large room with windows during the nighttime, city lights visible in the background.


Came to This

Regular price $34.95
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120 bpm
Song Key:
D minor

Delve into the reflective world of 'Came to This,' a Downtempo Rap Beat that encapsulates the essence of introspection. This beat is crafted with the haunting melodies of somber reverse piano, electric guitar, and the emotional depth of strings, all flowing seamlessly over the subtle yet compelling rhythm of smooth trap drums. It’s a perfect musical canvas for artists looking to express deeper emotional narratives in their song projects. Whether you're a rapper articulating introspective verses or a songwriter weaving a poignant story, 'Came to This' provides a backdrop that enhances the emotive power of your lyrics. The combination of downtempo vibes with the unique texture of reverse guitars and the richness of strings creates a sound that's not only captivating but also deeply resonant.