Lease License

Perfect for independent artists working on a small-scale project. This Non-Exclusive and Nontransferable “Lease License” includes a downloadable Musical Composition that may be used in preparation of a commercially distributed Song Recording (I.e. Licensed music must include added vocals, lyrics, melodies, etc.), 100% royalty-free.

Record and sell your song for up to 5,000 single or album sales (E.g. CD's, Vinyl, etc.) and/or internet downloads, earn from 500,000 monetized streams or generate up to the equivalent of $5,000 USD; in either combination and you keep all earnings. In addition, you may use your Song Recording for radio broadcasts, paid performances, websites, ringtone, music video, etc. Your distributor will assign a unique ISRC code specific to your song, which will track all sales and streams worldwide for payouts.

The Lease License includes instant access to download the untagged instrumental (I.e. all vocal advertisements removed) in both WAV and MP3 formats. A downloadable PDF License is also included which may accompany a copy of your Order Receipt for proof of licensing.

When your song is submitted for commercial distribution, do not opt-in to Third Party YouTube Monetization Services (I.e. exclusive audio fingerprinting, restrictive metadata, audio blocking, etc.) per the License terms of use. However, you can still share your song or music video through YouTube and monetize with your own AdSense account (if applicable); not via Content ID or Audio Fingerprinting. All license options are Non-Exclusive.

Lease License Formats and Files - Copyright Sinima Beats All Rights Reserved